2H Patent Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Consultancy Co. Ltd. founded as a sole proprietorship in 2021 and then took the title of limited company gives services in Turkiye in the field of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights to you, our precious clients. One of the founders of our firm founded by two partners, Hatice Yavas is a Chemical Engineer graduated from Istanbul Technical University and finished the Master Programme of Economical Law at Istanbul Bilgi University. Furthermore, she is a Turkish Patent and Trademark Attorney authorized before Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TÜRKPATENT), and she has been rendering service to the sector since 2015.
Additionally, Hatice Recber Basak who is the other founder of our firm and is a Turkish Patent Attorney was graduated from the Physics Department of Istanbul University Science Faculty and then she gained a Master of Science degree in Physics by finishing the Solid State Physics (Semiconductor Physics) Master Programme of Istanbul University Institute of Science. She dropped out her phD study in the same field and has been giving service to the sector since 2012.
Our company name, 2H Patent has been created by being inspired from initials of the names of our attorneys. Herein “2H” symbolizes also merging of characters of “2 Hatice” which are well educated, long-term experienced, reliable, working in a quality manner and solution oriented.
Our attorneys have rendered services with 10+ years of experience to a large number of local and foreign clients in this sector by now, particularly to Technology Transfer Offices of various universities, companies with R&D centers and other small, medium and large companies.
They have supported their clients by drafting more than 300 patent/utility model applications and registrations in a large number of fields of chemistry, pharmaceuticals, software, construction, electricity, electronics, telecommunication, materials, health etc. related to devices and hardwares, apparatus, nanostructures. Also they have provided many number of trademark and design application and registration services by reliable monitoring of procedures and informing their clients in time, therefore; keeping them informed and aware.
2H Patent, under the leadership of its attorneys, gives services directly to its clients by first-hand and by this kind of service, provides correct information to be transferred more efficiently.
Geographical Indication
We protect your national products which are designation of origin and merchandise marks.
Traditional Specialities Guaranteed
We protect your national products which are produced in traditional ways for more than 30 years.
“We are an IP company which gives high quality, reliable, fast and boutique attorneyship services with 10+ years experience in Turkiye.”
Our most effective target is to make our clients be highly aware of all routes and risks related to the procedures by informing them. Therefore, the way we proceed with clients knowing what they may encounter with during the procedures becomes more target-oriented. We increase registration possibility by mutual exchange of information and also analyzing the risks well.
Clients with high awareness
High quality services
Effective procedure monitoring
High probability of registration
Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkiye
+90 216 606 60 25
+90 542 188 52 17