

In Turkiye, intellectual and artistic works are protected under the Law numbered 5846. Also, Turkiye is a contracting state of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works WIPO Copyright Treaty, the Rome Convention and the TRIPS Agreement (the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of IP Rights).

The registration of copyright is not compulsory. Works are protected after its creation with no registration. However, registration of works is advised in order to have an efficient enforcement.

On the other hand; it is regulated that the phonogram producers and the film producers should register their rights in order to provide proof of right ownership. After this registration, the right holders can apply to get Banderoles. These banderoles are used on licensed copies of the work to prevent piracy. Also, video games should be registered as well.

The registration of literary works and computer software is not compulsory. However, it provides that the right holders may apply to get Banderoles to be used on their copies of works.

The other advantages of copyright registration are that it can be used to enforce the copyrights before the Customs and that it can be used as a proof of ownership.